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Colibri Press

Many authors who later became famous published their own books. Authors such as Mark Twain and Benjamin Franklin and books such as the first books in the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series were self-published. It is a bit riskier than the regular publishing route as the author must pay for the production costs of creating the book and then assume all responsibility for marketing and selling the self-published book. On the other hand, the rewards can be just as great or greater. There is no way to describe the feeling of holding a book you wrote in your hands. In addition, if you are willing to handle the marketing and sales, all of the profits are yours (instead of just the royalties paid by regular publishing firms).

In some cases, for example, when you want to produce a book about the history of your own family and intend to give them all away to family members, you will have to self-publish the book as no publisher will produce a book that lacks a substantial market.

If you are seriously considering self-publishing but lack the necessary skills and/or contacts, take a look at the services that Eagle Creek Publishers offers prospective self-publishers:

Ghost Writing

If you have accumulated all of the necessary information but do not have the writing skills to put it into readable form, there are a number of published authors associated with Eagle Creek who are willing to ghost write the book for you. (A ghost writer is an author who writes a book on behalf of another. His or her name does not appear on the book and the person who employed the ghost writer gets the authorship credit unless some alternate arrangement is made).

Editing and Copy-Editing

Most manuscripts need to be cleaned up for spelling, grammar, voice and style. Eagle Creek can take your rough draft and clean it up for you, removing all errors and pointing out awkward pieces, etc.

Layout and Design

Once the manuscript has been edited, it needs to be laid out and made ready for the printer. Today, this is done using such sophisticated layout programs as Aldus PageMaker. The program used must be compatible with the system used by the printers. Otherwise unexpected errors can occur.


Some manuscripts require cover illustrations or intext drawings, paintings or photographs. There are a number of illustrators and photographers associated with Eagle Creek that will supply the necessary illustrations for that added touch.

Printing and Publication

We can make arrangements to have your book assigned an ISBN number (a unique identifier) and then have it printed for you to your specifications. You can choose to obtain the ISBN as an independent publisher (and the book will then be published under your own label) or you can use Eagle Creek Publishers "Colibri Press" (the private label for our unique self-publishing program for authors). If the book is published under the "Colibri" label, we will list it on our website for you.

Full Publication Service

We can provide a full service package that will take your manuscript from rough draft to finished product.

Marketing and Sales

Under some circumstances, Eagle Creek Publishers can provide advice on marketing or assume some responsibility for marketing on a cooperative or cost-sharing basis. Ask us about this.

We cannot print a price list here as each manuscript is different and the price will vary depending on the length of the manuscript, the number of copies to be produced and the combination of services selected by the self-publisher. If you have a project in mind, contact Eagle Creek Publishers and we will put a price package together for you (with no obligation).

A Little Door, A Little Light is a record of communications between everyday people and their dead loved ones. The stories and the events they describe changed the lives of those who experienced them. It gave them peace of mind and allowed them to know that there is Life after Death. Ellie has no doubt that these stories will provide peace and hope for anyone who has lost a loved one or who has lost faith.
